Product reviews play a crucial role in helping fellow parents choose the best items for their needs. When crafting your review, drawing from your personal experience upon receiving the product is paramount. Other parents trust your opinions and recommendations, just as you do theirs. Consider mentioning aspects like product quality, packaging, and the efficiency of the courier. Aim to provide an honest review that can assist other mamas in their shopping decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do I earn every time I rate & review?
    Yes! You earn five (5) beans for every review.
    (5 beans = Php 5)

  • Can I rate & review again if I ordered the product multiple times already?
    You can only review a product once. Once you rate & review a product and decide to reorder, you can no longer leave a rating and review for that specific product.

  • Can I rate & review if I’m a guest user?
    Only registered users can rate & review their orders.

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